
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Coki - Made By my sister

Coki xoxo RECIPE: 
You will need:
(Serves,3 people- quick super)

-Coki Beans
-fresh packaged spinach leaves
-Coki Beans 
-Fresh pepper
-Ripe plantains

How to: 
- Soak the coki beans overnight if its already peeled (Try to buy peeled, i have no idea how to do it uppeeled)
-Wash well to remove excess peel flakes
- Drain to remove excess water
- Blend with onions, maggi, salt, and fresh pepper(optional). Onion creates the perfect flavor so put enough depending on your quantity
- Add water to get a close to drippy consistency but not watery and not too thick. so kind of inbetween in between. Place in a bowl
- Warm your red oil, not hot or bleeched. just warm and pour it in

- Use packaged fresh spinash leaves, that way you dont have to wash it and add excess water to your mixture.
- Add them to the bowl and gently mix it without pressure. You're not trying to mash the leaves but coat them with the beans mixture.

 Back home this will be tied up in fresh plantain leaves but this is North america so Improviseee.
Tie them in bags,

 Then place in aluminium foil to conduct heat

Place them in a with water at the bottom. Keep adding water to cream steam heat, but not high enough to sip into your coki balls.

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